Apparently my tickets don't need confirming - this worries me, after rocking up to the airport to fly to Peru and being told "you didn't confirm your ticket, we sold it to someone else" (I'd never heard of confirming tickets before).
I've triple photocopied all of my tickets, my passport and my insurance, and have distributed them around. Vaguely amusing being as I went to Peru without any photocopies of anything (once again, I'd never heard of it).
There is only one thing on my list now, which I should really do tomorrow:
- disconnect electricity
Sometimes the travel agent will confirm it for you, sometimes the airline doesn't oversell their plane capacity, sometimes you get screwed if neither occur...
Yah, the website and the phone service for the airline both said there is no need to confirm, so I guess it will be fine...
So exciting! Bon voyage!
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